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Berry’s Beginnings


People ask how we started our Love A Child Orphanage. We built our first school in a village called L’estere in L’Artibonite, Haiti. A poor single woman was laying on the ground of a mud hut, dying. She begged me to take her four children when she died, and I promised her we would.

She died, leaving Berry, Sheline, Julanne, and Jonise. We started with these four children, and then, grew. Berry works at our Food Distribution Center. He is in charge of organizing and delivering food to many villages. He is also one of our drivers and he helps unload containers that have to be unloaded “by hand.”

He loves his job. I don’t know what we would do without him, because everyone here fills a great need. He is a young, hard-working man with a family. We love Berry. I would hate to think of what his life would be like today if we hadn’t said “yes,” to that dying woman, Madamn Limose.


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