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Betina… “Deep Eyes”

Betina is a “different” little girl! She is now 10 and is in 6th grade! (Haiti schools just now opened here in Fond Parisien, but not in other areas).

Betina “loves” to clean! (Her sisters love her for this. Ha!) She keeps her closet “somewhat” orderly, and she is always cleaning. Here, she is cleaning the tables in the cafeteria of the Children’s Home… She will do any kind of work!

Betina loves to draw and sing, and she still loves dolls!! (Yes, girls in Haiti still love dolls, and they still jump rope! And she loves puzzles!) She often volunteers to work in the Malnutrition Center.

When she plays “make-believe,” she is always the “teacher!” So, she will probably be a “Love A Child Teacher” someday. We all love her… the kids call her “je fon,” “deep eyes.” Betina will go far in her life.


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