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Bicycles!!! Wow! The Kids Are Going Nuts!!

These kids act like they were “born on a bicycle!” Our previous friends, Dean and Carolyn from Georgia, sent these bicycles a while ago… but it took time for them to come by way of a shipping container through the Dominican Republic! We wanted to wait until the kids finished school for the summer… but, they could not wait!

We just found out that “all of our Haitian children passed with flying colors!” So, we pulled the bicycles out of the warehouse, and put the kids on a schedule! They can ride from 2:00 to 4:00 pm if they have finished their chores! Camy, (the big guy with a bullhorn), gives each group of kids 20 minutes and then they share the bikes with their brothers and sisters.

Everyone can ride well except for Jonas. He is the boy from the mountains who was a slave child. He cannot figure out how to move one leg, and then another in the same direction! He keeps putting the brakes on! Ha!! But, he will catch on!

Special thanks again to Dean and Carolyn! These children will have great memories! God bless your good heart!

Bobby and Sherry

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