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Birthing Kits at our Love A Child Malnutrition Center Haiti

Birthing Kits from our Canadian Friends: 2-25-16 6:00 PM

Our Love A Child Malnutrition Center, under the direction of Barbara MacMannis, has been so blessed! We have received beautiful “Birthing Kits,” (many call them “Layettes”) put together by the Westover Layette Ladies in Ontario. These badly needed Birthing Kits were recently delivered to us along with a container packed with dried fruit and a wonderful soup made and donated to us by the Ontario Gleaners. Empower Global shipped the container to us here in Haiti. Thank you to all our Canadian friends, for keeping the poor Haitians in your heart. These poor mothers were so blessed with these wonderful gifts for their newborns! Many thanks and God bless you! Sherry

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