Bobby just sent me a message and this photo from the cave in Jérémie. This is where we have been sending food, water, clothing, and Bibles for those that lost everything during Hurricane Matthew. Bobby had to get on his hands and knees and crawl for ten to twelve feet. Then, when he tried to stand up, he could not! He could only bend over because the cave was so low. There were so many men, women and children outside the cave, but Bobby said that when he went in, and saw the hundreds inside the dark cave, he shook and cried like a baby and could hardly talk! In all his 26 years of living in Haiti, this was the “line in the sand.” This was the worst of the worst! God has laid it upon our hearts, not only to feed these children and families, but also to build a house for each family! You will be hearing more about this wonderful, heart wrenching outreach very soon! Sherry

Bobby in Jérémie – 03-06-17
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