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Bobby’s Birthday: 6-9-29015  9:00 AM

Bobby’s Birthday: 6-9-29015 9:00 AM

Tomorrow is Bobby’s Birthday! I want to wish my husband all my love and that I am so thankful God has spared his life many times. In 1996, he had cancer and was given a short time to live, but God healed him. Years later, he was run over and crushed by his tractor and bush hog and had to be evacuated out of Haiti via air ambulance. He has also fallen and broken his back in three places, dodged bullets, driven through “burning road blocks,” and been thrown off a mountain while riding a mule, but Psalm 41 has “kept him alive!” Please send him your Birthday greetings, and let him know how much you love him! Sherry

PS: Our book titled “Love is Something You Do” comes out in the fall!

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