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Breaking Report on our Malnutrition Clinic!

We are amazed at what this wonderful team has done that came in with Pastor Mark! (We will be sharing names later today.) All this work you see has been done in just two days!!! Incredible!!! When they came in two days ago, we only had the foundation done… now, look what has happened!!!

We had donated our old “Malnutrition Clinic” to the University of Florida, for special labs for disease control in Haiti. But, we had always desired to have a Malnutrition Clinic, where mothers could stay with their babies until their baby was well enough to leave. This is what we will be able to do now with our new “Malnutrition Clinic.” We will be able to monitor the babies and toddlers with their special food we will be feeding them, and weighing them each day and making sure that the food we give them will be going to the child. This will be better also for them to be near our Pediatrician. We are so excited!

We will also be starting a program to train moms with “jobs” they can do to make money to feed their children, while they are staying at our Malnutrition Clinic. Jobs will provide “Food for Life!”

This miracle could not have been possible without Joyce Meyer MinistriesHand of Hope. They are sponsoring the building of our Malnutrition Clinic! This has taken a “huge load” off our backs! And now that we have excellent workers from the States, we will have this finished before we expected… barring no political problems in Haiti. Thank you to our wonderful volunteer team, who have been “walking the dog” to get this done! What an awesome team! Thanks to Pastor Mark for his leadership skills and thanks again to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope, and to our prayer partners!!! “Anpil men, chay pa lou,” which means, “With a lot of hands the load is not heavy!”

Love and Prayers, Bobby and Sherry

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