We just had two great Mobile Medical Clinics, one in Chambrun and the other in Cotin! Most Haitians over the age of 50 cannot see to “thread a needle” or “read the Bible.” (If they can read at all.) In fact, I saw an old man under a tree one time, trying to read his Creole Bible. He had a pair of glasses made out of “wire and the bottoms of Coca-Cola bottles!” So, when we have Mobile Medical Clinics, we love to give “reading glasses!” These new reading glasses came from our friends at MAP International, and yes, did you notice that the price tags were still on? Ha! The Haitians said to leave them on, “because they wanted everyone to know that they were NEW!” They will cut them off eventually! “Thank you, MAP International!” Bobby and Sherry

Bringing eyeglasses to the poor in Haiti: 10-14-17 3:00 PM
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