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Bruno… Faithful in the Small Things

”Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things…” Matthew 25:23

“Bruno” has been working at our Love A Child Maternity Clinic for quite a while. He works at the “patient desk” and keeps track of the mothers and their records.

He had been concerned about the people in the “mud hut” village of Old Letant since Pastor Sorel had died. No one had taken his place. Bruno began going there faithfully and winning people to Jesus! He would gather the young boys and talk to them about Jesus and their future and education.

When someone becomes a Christian, he and our head Pastor, Pastor Luders, baptize them here at Love A Child (in our fish tanks!)

More people bound by Voodoo began to accept Jesus! The church at Old Letant began to grow. This church, in the middle of mud huts, which had been sponsored by our good friend David George, began to grow!

Pastor Luders and other Haitian Pastors felt that it was time to “pray over Bruno” and anoint him as “Pastor Bruno” officially.

The Church in the mud hut village was packed out!

We are so proud of Pastor Bruno! He is not only a great Pastor, but he is a “great soul winner!”

We love Pastor Bruno,
Bobby and Sherry

Special thanks to our friends, Debbie and Donnie, who helped sponsor many needs for this church!

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