Look at these precious poor farmers and their wives holding picks and hoes while working on the road near Peyi Pouri! All of the people in the area have been begging us to come and hold a Mobile Medical Clinic up there, but the roads have been washed out due to heavy rains. There are no “road crews” coming to fix this mountain road… Pastor Souffrance asked us for some food because the people wanted to work… It’s just that they hardly have any food to eat and working on this road is hard work!!! They said, “We’ll work for food, and we will work for a Mobile Medical Clinic!” Just look at the joy on their faces!!
We will keep you posted on our upcoming Mobile Medical Clinic! We still have to buy and pack a lot of medicines and supplies, but we want to be ready for a “lot of patients!” God bless you, our wonderful partners!! And special thanks to Pastor Souffrance and our team, Peter, Joseph, and Watson, who made this trip! Thank you, partners, for your love, prayers, and support!