As most of you know, Sherry and I are with our family here in Death Valley for Thanksgiving. Sorry for the late picture but our Internet capability is very limited. We have more pictures but so far our cell phone won’t send them. Hopefully, we can send them later on today. This was the family yesterday having our Thanksgiving dinner in Death Valley. In the picture is Bobby, Julie Burnette Halecki, John Vick (taking photo), Anthony Halecki, Sherry Burnette, Aidan Burnette, Brandon Burnette, Julie Burnette, and Jonathan Burnette. Death Valley is very scenic and beautiful. Death valley has the hottest ever-recorded temperature on earth at 134 degrees! Death Valley has the lowest elevation in the United States below sea level. The stars will take your breath away!! We will be returning to Haiti on Monday. Bobby and Sherry

Burnette Family Enjoying Death Valley: 11-24-17 9:20 AM
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