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Calling Dr. Roselyne

Dr. Roselyne?

Well, she “looks like” a doctor! Roselyne is in college here in Haiti, to become a doctor.  She is from the mountains of Haiti from a poor family. They brought her to one of our Mobile Clinics because her legs were crooked.

At that time, there were no really good specialists in this field. We did send her back and forth for treatments, etc., but nothing worked. But, the taller she grew, the straighter her legs were! We just figured out that God had to get her attention, so that she could grow up serving Him and that God would use her life in a wonderful way, to help the poor. And she will! She will be one of Haiti’s best doctors and she will help and bless the poor. Another wonderful “Love A Child,” child, growing up and helping more people and children! They will all understand that “serving the poor,” is the closest thing to the heart of God!!


We all love Roselyne!!

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