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Mountainous Landscape

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Carrying Food to the Mountains

Carrying Food to the Mountains

This morning, Pastor Souffrance came down from the mountains of Peyi Pouri to pick up food. In these boxes are 14,300 “meals” for children.

Making this journey, at this time, is especially rough and dangerous. Pastor Souffrance had to rent this truck which can only go “so far.” From there, mountain people and children walk “down” from mountains,” which are further up. Parents come with mules they have borrowed, and with their children. From there, they travel “up” for several more hours to the church. From here, after they sing and pray, they start the long trek “up” even further. This could take hours, but they keep on going. They have hungry children at “home.”

It is a great joy to share food with the poor and hungry! It is only because of you, that we can do this! Thank you, partners, and God richly blesses you!

Bobby and Sherry

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