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Charles has two cows

Charles has two cows: 5-2-17 12:00 PM

This is Charles and his wife from Sapaterre. You may remember him as the man from the “mud cookie village,” who worked hard in the dirt and clay mines underground to bring up the dirt to make those mud cookies. We started with the first box of food and began feeding the village! Then, we conducted a crusade right inside the mud village, and many were saved, and God blessed us with a new church. Charles became a Christian and God gave him two cows, and he named them “Christ is Able” and “God is Good!” These two cows have made it possible to grow his first garden! God also blessed him with a motorcycle! Today, he and his wife came to Love A Child to give an offering to the Lord… Guinea Hens!! Look what God can do when we start using “what God has put in our hands!” God bless you, Sherry

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