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Children Making Haiti a “Better Place…”

Children Making Haiti a “Better Place…”

It takes a lot of money to run an orphanage! Just think about each child needing two uniforms, shoes, socks, books, backpacks, etc., for school, not to mention “six kids needing glasses!!” This does not include surgeries…

(Yolanda will have surgery today due to a painful growth under her tongue!) Then of course, Jackson’s meds and being on dialysis each night. Then, there’s college… we have 15 children in college.

Somehow, God meets the needs every month. Oh yes… I forgot to mention food! These kids “can eat like a horse!” Ha! They are never full!!

A long time ago, the Lord told Bobby that “we would be raising ‘thoroughbreds!’”

Years have passed, and we can see that God has chosen these children. Some of them will be leaders, and others will make a difference! We have children studying law to help the poor; we have those with degrees in math, music, computers, and much more!

Thank you, partners, for all your love, your care, and your support! These children who love the Lord will make Haiti a better place!

Bobby and Sherry

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