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Christmas Celebration at Pastor Claude’s

If you have never met “Pastor Claude,” there is not a happier, thankful man than Pastor Claude!! He is the sweetest and most honest person we have ever met. He has a large orphanage near us. We share food and other items with Pastor Claude and his children.

Today was the Christmas Celebration! Our friends, David and Angie George sent money for his entire orphanage to have a large dinner! We have never seen so much food!!!! (You will see more pictures tomorrow.) David also sent each of Pastor Claude’s employees an envelope with money, $20 to each employee and $100 to Pastor Claude! They all “went nuts!” We also gave his employees and Pastor Claude some money, so they got a “double portion!” Ha!

Our children and his, sang, danced, and praised the Lord!!  We brought toys for the children! If you have never been to a “Claude Party,” you have missed something in your life… the joy of “acting like a child at Christmas,” again! Our sweet, older Love A Child girls helped with all the children! A merry heart (toys and laughter) “doeth good like a medicine”! We all had such joy sharing with others!! More pictures coming tomorrow!

Thank you, David and Angie, and all your wonderful friends and partners!

Bobby and Sherry

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