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Christmas Party at Pastor Claude’s!

We just had a wonderful time at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage! We had a “Christmas Party! We took many of our Love A Child kids and Kamy, one of our Haitian workers! With us also, was Bryon, who is one of our mission workers, and his daughter, Lauren. (They flew in from the Dominican Republic and came by truck across the Border to Love A Child.)

Lauren has been helping us wrap gifts for Claude’s children and many other children. David and Angie George have been helping with Christmas toys and parties here in Haiti for many years. They sent funds in for a BIG CHRISTMAS DINNER, and also money in envelopes for all of Claude’s workers, and much more.

We had the music going, games, and then, we let the children open their gifts. It is so wonderful to bring great joy to poor children and to those in orphanages. All of Pastor Claude’s workers were there, and they each got an envelope with $20 US! This is a great gift at this time of year!

The children had a special soup, for an appetizer, and then, they had a huge dinner!!! We played games and sang and danced!! It was so much fun! The Bible says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…” and that is true. Haitians have been under so much stress, on account of the gangs. Even the children know about the gangs that are in their area. It was such a huge blessing to give the children and the orphanage workers, relief and laugher, because all the Haitians have been so sad and so nervous. But, this one party that the workers and the children will never forget; our own children had so much fun helping other children! We give the Lord all the Glory for each gift, each child, and we thank Him for wonderful friends, like David and Angie George for thinking of others at this time! God bless you, everyone!!

Bobby and Sherry

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