Have you ever seen anyone looking this good, painting? That’s Jean Edwouard! He is always “matching” his clothes no matter what he is doing… He recently gave his testimony on our Love A Child television program…how he grew up in the “mud hut” village of Old Letant. When his mother died, he was taken to live with another woman, who mistreated him badly…He became a “restavek” (slave) to her and her family. Many people in the States do not understand that in many countries, even the poor have “slave children.” This mostly happens when parents die, or when a parent has too many children and “hires one out” to bring in a little money to feed the rest. Jean Edwouard did all of the hard work, carried heavy buckets of water on his head, gathered wood for the fire, and even cooked for the family…until one day I saw him and the Lord said, “Take him away.”
Jean Edwouard is a “tailor.” He loves to sew and fix all the kids’ clothes. One day, he hopes to have his own “shop.” He is sweet, humble, loves the Lord, and is very obedient…and “very thankful.” He is a “blessing!” Sherry