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Colorful Moms!!

Colorful Moms!!

We have the best partners in the world! Sometimes, we receive items for children, and sometimes, items for moms! Nixon, our Administrator, took a box of gifts and colorful tote bags to these mothers, waiting for babies!!

Oh, wow! They were so excited! Haitians love “colorful items”! These bags are great for carrying clothes to wash, picking up items, etc. Just look at all these colorful moms.

Someone once said that “small things done in a great way” is a blessing!!!

These mothers have so many problems on their backs now… Haiti is “upside down,” and food is scarce. These gifts bring some joy into their lives, which have been full of sorrows.

To all of you who send in these items, thank you with all our hearts!!! “A merry heart doth good like a medicine.”

Bobby and Sherry

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