Have you ever been on a Mission Trip? If you are able and have a desire to do mission work, think about joining a Love A Child volunteer team. We take teams into the regions beyond throughout the year here in Haiti. We are taking a volunteer team to a poor village to conduct a Mobile Medical Clinic during the week of October 8-15. We are already beginning to prepare for the trip and know that it will bless thousands living in the “regions beyond.” These Haitians living in the mountain villages have no doctor, nurse or even an aspirin. Many have never had any medical care and may be suffering from a condition that is easily treated. Love A Child takes the healing to the poorest of the poor. It is a life-changing experience for the Haitians, as well as for all of our volunteers. Pray about coming with us or if you can’t come with us, pray about helping with a Mobile Medical Clinic. Be the difference in the world today. “Love is something you do…” Bobby

Consider joining us on a Mission Trip: 7-27-16 2:30 PM
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