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Containers of Food are Coming!

The border has been open for commerce. Americans can also come and go now. Haitians are still not allowed to travel; their visas have been frozen, which they already paid for.

Good news! In January, we have seven Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) 40-foot containers being shipped to the Dominican Republic, then traveling through the customs at the Haitian border into Love A Child 10 miles from the border. Once things settle down in Haiti and the gangs are gone, we will ship through Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

One container from FMSC contains 272,000 meals! Thank you to all of you who helped financially to ship these containers. By faith, we will be shipping at least seven containers per month.

We purchase our food in South Haiti where we help together feed many hundreds of people, especially the children. Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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