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Current News on Haiti

Current News on Haiti

Current news: All the fuel terminals are still blocked by the gangs. Haiti is “locked down,” and coming to almost a standstill.

Thank you for praying!! Yesterday on our post I asked for everyone to pray we can find fuel for our 16 containers in customs at the port. 12 of those containers are our food containers. Our goal was to start distributing our Feed My Starving Children meals tomorrow to the villages that need food desperately. We had to have diesel for our semi and our food trucks to deliver the food to the villages.

Thanks to Casimi, our semi-driver, and others, I’ve just had several 55 drums of diesel delivered!!! Had to send our big truck to a village in the middle of nowhere and “there was our diesel!!” I can’t say anything more… “what happens in Haiti, stays in Haiti!” Know one thing about the Haitian people, they know how to DEGAJE. Which means “make do, or get yourself out of a bad situation!”

Tomorrow we will start pulling our food containers out of customs at the port and taking food to the villages!! BY FAITH, I know the Lord will supply the money to pay for all the shipping and customs, just like He did, supplying the fuel and money to buy it. Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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