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Daniella Loves to Encourage Others!

Daniella is a twin to “Daniel,” and what a joy she is!! This picture was taken when the children first got their uniforms for school… however, due to the unrest in Haiti, they have not been to school for nearly two months. It is so sad.

Daniella is a beautiful young girl and she could be a “model” in New York! She has such poise! She is very kind, humble, and yet, makes the top grades in her class. She loves to dance and sing and she loves to “encourage everyone” in what they are doing.

Some time ago, she had a very bad eye infection, but we sent her to a wonderful optometrist. Since then, that is what she has desired to be. We’ve taught these children, “If you believe in God and in yourself, you can be anything you want to be!” We really love Daniella!!!


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