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Darius’ body returns home:  11-3-18  11:00 AM

Darius’ body returns home: 11-3-18 11:00 AM

Darius is the young man whom we cared for during the Mobile Medical Clinic in Peyi Pouri. He was from a village “much higher in the mountains” than Peyi Pouri, a village called Badji.” We cared for him and sent him to our Jesus Healing Center. From there, the doctors sent him by ambulance to several hospitals that would not receive him… We finally got him into the Ebenezer Hospital. After IVs and three blood transfusions, we thought he would pull through, but the Ebenezer doctors wanted to send him to Mirebalais, in southern Haiti for more tests, etc. That was about four hours away, so we sent him…

But Thursday night, Darius died.

In the morning, we sent our ambulance and our driver Ezekiel and Nixon, the Administrator of the Jesus Healing Center, to the Mirebalais Hospital. When they arrived, the body was there, but the boy’s uncle had taken the “paperwork” of death, and went to Goat Mountain! They could not remove the body. Our ambulance had to go to Goat Mountain, hours from the hospital.

They found the uncle and the “papers,” and headed back to the hospital and picked up the body. Now, they would have four hours to get to Croix-des-Bouquets, and two more hours to Peyi Pouri and another hour to the top of the mountain, Badji! When they called me, the day was far spent and clouds were forming. We were afraid for them to make the long trip up to the mountains of Badji at night! So, we had them take the body “back to Croix-des-Bouquets” and put him in the funeral home for one night. We will fetch him today and our drivers will make the long trip in our ambulance to take Darius “back home.” Nothing is easy in Haiti. Sherry

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