In the deep interior of Haiti, we often find small clusters of peasant farmer families that live off the land. These remote areas are so detached from normal society that there is no actual village for these groups of families to call their own. To identify where they live, they name the hill or “zone” with a simple name of their own, such as Kalibo. Hours tucked in the hills where rain hasn’t fallen for months, there is a famine beyond words. Even the animals are dying because the only source of food is what is normally planted and harvested. Sherry and I pray for God to lead us to these areas, and this weekend our team in the south of Haiti served hot meals to the children of Kalibo. Prayers and songs with words of hope in Jesus, along with a nourishing meal, brought hope to the hopeless and ministered the love of God to these hungry children. Thank you for your prayers and sacrificial gifts of love to bring comfort to the hopeless and the hungry!