Davidson… He is the brother of David. Davidson and David are twins. (In Haiti, if you have twins, the Government of Haiti (Social Services) wants everyone to name twins “almost alike,” i.e. Mika and Mikalange, Daniel and Daniella… So this is Davidson, and his brother is David. I originally named “Davidson” “Jonathan,” but they didn’t like that!!! I don’t think it’s right, but I can’t do anything about it! They even came here and changed the birth certificates!
Davidson is a little “slower to work” than his brother David, but the good thing about Davidson is that “when he makes a mistake” he tries to change. When he is wrong, he always tries to do better. I can work with that! (He is in his last year at school, and even though school is not in session, we have paid the schoolteachers extra to come and give all of our junior high and high school kids lessons. (They wear “face masks” and stay six feet apart!)
David and Davidson are hard to wake up in the morning (typical teens). I had tried everything until I gave “Camey,” one of our workers, a “megaphone!” He turns it on at 4:30 a.m. sharp… First thing we hear is the “siren,” and then several other sounds in addition to “Samson’s howling,” and yes, it wakes them up! All the older boys and girls have to sanitize all the doors, metal railings, kitchens, etc. and clean their rooms and be ready for school at 7:30 a.m. They are good kids!! Sherry