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Determined Florence

Determined Florence

Today, we received a note from Florence, one of our Love A Child children. She is in Italy, studying radiology. She has been there for a year now and passed her first year. She and her classmates were now sent to “study radiology in a hospital!”

Florence came to us when she was a year old. Three other siblings came with her. I had been caring for her mother until she died. Then her father could not take care of the four children. That’s when he brought them to us.

Florence, as many of you know, has a great gift from God. She studied with therapists after the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti. Last year, God worked a miracle for her to go to a very good college in Italy. Now, she gets up at 4:00 a.m. and travels two hours away and works in the hospital lab, and then, two hours back home. We know that the Lord has His hand upon Florence. We love this “sweet, young, giggly girl…” and, “the sweet, young, giggly girl loves chocolate!!” HA!


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