This is Dieubon, and his name means “God is good” in Creole. When Dieubon was born, he was suffering from malnutrition and was born with clubfeet, as many children are in Haiti. There was no money for a doctor or hospital; his mother didn’t know what to do. But God provided loving partners and a good surgeon in America so Dieubon could have his feet corrected. He lived with Dr. Chester and Debbie Falterman during this process, and we thank them for all they did for Dieubon. Last year, he had “spina bifida surgery on his back.” Shriners Hospital of Tampa provided that treatment. Our own staff, Rad and Sandra Hazelip of Love A Child, cared for him during his surgery and while he recovered! Dieubon is no longer a little boy, and he is growing into a fine young man. He has been through a lot, but he is doing well now. We are so proud of Dieubon and can’t wait to see how the Lord uses his life. Thank you partners for changing his life. Bobby and Sherry

Dieubon Update – 03-16-18
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