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Dieuferly Update

Dieuferly Update – 02-15-16

I know you remember Dieuferly. He was born with a severe deformity of his feet. He lived high in the mountains of Covant with his mother, but she was far too poor to care for him. Dieuferly had red hair from malnutrition and he wasn’t able to walk because of his club feet. He was an outcast in the village and he was treated horribly by his neighbors. We found him while conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic and knew that we must bring him to the orphanage. He has had several surgeries on his feet, and now he is doing great. He can walk and run, and he loves going to church and playing music with his brothers at the orphanage. Thank you partners for changing another life in Haiti. God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

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