You may remember Dieuferly from our Love A Child Orphanage. When he was young, his feet were severely deformed because of clubfeet. He has had several surgeries to correct the issue and now he is doing so much better. Dieuferly loves music and praising the Lord. He can sing, play keyboards and bass guitar with such ease. He also has an anointing for leading worship services. He and some of our other Love A Child boys greatly helped us with recent Disaster Relief and our Mobile Medical Clinic. He will be studying video filming, editing and photography in the coming years. We pray that he will be working for Love A Child one day. His college needs are great. If you would like to help sponsor his college needs, please contact our office at 239-210-6107 and ask to speak with Shar or Rad. You can also send them an email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you. Sherry

Dieuferly Update – 10-24-16
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