The children that we “cannot help” break our hearts into a million pieces. This is Dieula Achil and she is fourteen-years-old, but her arms are not much bigger around than a quarter. She has juvenile diabetes, and should be taking insulin on a regular basis. She lives far from our Jesus Healing Center and it was a long journey for her mother to bring Dieula here. Her father left them eight years ago for the Dominican Republic and never came back. Her mother is so poor that even if someone gave her the insulin every day for her daughter, she does not have the money to buy ice to keep it cool. Maxine and Dave Balsbaugh grow Moringa trees here at Love A Child. The leaves are ground into powder and have strong medicinal qualities. We have done everything we know to do, and now it is in God’s hands. Sherry

Dieula Achil – 03-04-15
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