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Dimelia, New Hair!

Dimelia, New Hair!


Note: I recently did a post on Dimelia but wanted you to see her hair, and how gifted these girls are. When Dimelia laughs, she laughs with her whole face! She had been working at our Love A Child Maternity Clinic for a while. She does the “sonograms,” and she is good at what she does.

Dimelia got a new “hairdo,” and wanted us to see it. I personally wouldn’t look good in purple hair, but she does! Her “sister,” Sarah, is in college to become a beautician. She is starting on hair and nails! So, Dimelia came out of the room with these braids. It took Sarah seven hours to do this, and, she didn’t even get paid!! Ha!

Dimelia has applied to a medical college in Jamaica but has not heard anything yet. When we first got her, we learned that she had fallen into a pot of boiling water. She was badly burned on her neck, chest, and other parts of her body. We took her to Shriner’s Children’s Hospital in Boston and she spent years getting skin grafts.

Her dream is to go to a medical college in Jamaica. She is such a good girl, loves the Lord, and loves all her siblings, and everyone loves her, Sherry

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