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Djonsly Needs a Miracle

Many of you remember Djonsly’s story. A little over two years ago, his right eye began to protrude out of its socket. It was so bad that his eyeball was literally “hanging there.” His mother took him to every clinic and every hospital she could find in Haiti, and she prayed and prayed. One day, someone told her about our Jesus Healing Center… She prayed about it and God said, “send him there.”

His eye was already “hanging outside its socket,” and there was nothing our doctors could do, so we took it to the Lord. We found a wonderful hospital in the States that offered to help Djonsly and cover all his costs.

He and his mother made the trip to Miami. We are thankful that some of our partners sponsored their trip. Djonsly had cancer in the back of his brain that had “pushed the eye out of the socket.” So, he was blind in that eye. The doctors put it back in and went to work on the cancer. He had several operations and was doing well, learning English and taking English studies at the little apartment we rented for them.

Then, he was supposed to have one more operation, but his Visa was expired and he had to be returned to Haiti. Due to all the problems in Haiti, the Embassy has not been open very much at all. And now, it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO GET A MEDICAL VISA AND EVEN TO GET AN APPOINTMENT AT OUR EMBASSY!

We have gone online and filled out all the paperwork and paid the fee for the appointment and even had to take him to a Haitian doctor that the Embassy recommended. We have done everything… and it was a lot of paperwork!

Now, we have to find a congressman to help us and fill out a lot of forms and get a special attorney to handle this, “just to get a Medical Visa!” I cannot tell you how stressful this has been, but we are praying and asking the Lord, to show us the right people to help us get this through. Djonsly is on “borrowed time.” He needs his operation ASAP. We are asking you “bombard Heaven” with your prayers!

Thank you and God bless you and we will keep you informed.


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