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Djonsly’s Miracle… Part Two

Djonsly’s Miracle… Part Two

Yesterday, we were talking about the great miracle of an “open door,” for Djonsly to get help for the cancer that was behind his eye. (The cancer had already pushed the eye out of its socket! He had to wear a patch over the entire eye!) Little did we know that another cancer had already been developing also, near his brain.

We found a Christian hospital in Miami with doctors that agreed to take Djonsly. Then, we had to go through the process of getting him a “Medical Visa.” That was much harder than we thought. We had to get the help of a Florida senator but we finally got a Medical Visa and now, we had to get him and his mother to the states. We could not bring them to the Port-au-Prince Airport because there were gangs blocking the road. By a miracle, we got him and his mother and brought them to Fond Parisien, with tickets leaving out of the Dominican Republic with Bobby and me.

After many hours, we crossed the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and we were headed to the Dominican Republic Airport. We got there and approached the ticket counter with all of Djonsly’s paperwork, his passport, etc. Then, the lady behind the ticket counter said, “Where are your covid shot cards?” Wow! Bobby and I were almost shaking. We had been so focused on the Visa but we forgot about the covid shots!! We talked to the lady at the ticket counter. She was NOT GOING TO LET THEM ON THE PLANE! Bobby begged! The answer was no! Then, Bobby asked to speak to the manager. He told the story and had tears in his eyes. But the manager said, “no, we cannot. It’s against our rules!” Bobby begged him… but he wouldn’t budge. Suddenly he looked into Bobby’s face and saw tears in his eyes, and a look of despair on all our faces and he said, “Well, this can be called a ‘Humanitarian Emergency!’ That’s what it is! That’s what I call it!” We got through security and onto the plane and all the way to Miami to the hospital, by another miracle!!

We were so happy… Bobby, me, and everyone had tears in our eyes! When the devil says “no,” God says “yes!” Today, Djonsly and his mother are staying in an apartment near the hospital, ready for another surgery, should it be needed. He is studying, learning English, and making good grades! His goal in life is to be a doctor and help others, as God has helped him! Thank you, partners.

Bobby, Sherry, Djonsly, and Djonsly’s mother!

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