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“Don’t Get Tired…”

Sometimes we start out working for the Lord and we get tired. We may get tired of giving, going, or sacrificing. I know myself, living here in Haiti, it is not easy. There are so many needs here and people are always coming up to me, asking if we can pay their house rent, or could we pay for their child’s school payment, etc. Many times they ask us to pay for a funeral or other things. If we are not careful, we could get “tired of giving.” But we must make choices that we feel the Lord wants us to do. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

This is when we must follow our heart and the Lord will guide us in our decision. If we pass up a real need, we cannot reap the blessing that the Lord has for us. Have a blessed day. Follow the Lord and “let Him” make the decision.


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