Dorissant’s mother died when he was very young. (He was less than a year old, they believe.) His father abandoned him, and his neighbor found him wandering around his hut alone! The village people asked us to take him in because they could not care for him. We gladly took him in…
We call him “Dori” for short! He is a great kid and a hard worker. He will do “anything,” you ask him! Dori loves to play soccer and he loves to work with one of the construction workers, especially Bryan, who is from the States. His father would be proud of what a wonderful boy he has turned out to be, but then, he doesn’t deserve this sweet young boy that he abandoned, left, in the village. Dorissant is the kind of kid that you would love to raise, he is no trouble at all. He is 11 years old and in the fifth grade. There is no telling what he will do with his life, but one thing is for sure, God will guide him! We love “Dori!!” Sherry

Dorissant – 10-30-20
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