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Dotting the Landscape

Dotting the Landscape

There are still thousands of displaced earthquake victims living in tents in south Haiti. Can you believe it has been over a year since these families’ homes were destroyed? I cannot imagine what it must be like to sleep in the elements every night with just a tarp or tent over my head.

We are continuing to build Gabion houses for these victims affected by last summer’s earthquake. Though you do not read about it in the news or see it on your television much, does not mean that the problem went away.

We have identified many families that are in desperate need of a house. There are no streets or addresses where these people live. So, we have marked their locations using GPS coordinates. If we were to put dots on a map of south Haiti with all these coordinates, it would be peppered with points representing families in need.

Praise God there are some finished Gabion houses “dotting the landscape” in the areas surrounding the epicenter. And there are other houses in various phases of construction. But the need for more is still so great. We must fill in more “dots”. So many people need our help.

Please pray that God would provide the funds to finish putting these families in homes. We have faith that it can be done. Like Bobby always says, “Faith does not know we do not have the money.” These families have GREAT NEED, but we have GREAT FAITH!

Jesse Ostrander

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