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Double Trouble…

Double Trouble…

David (left) and Davidson (right) are twins! Their last name is Noel. Their grandmother, Mdm. “Noel,” brought these two “new babies” to us from “far away” over the mountains. A man in their family helped carry one of the babies and “grandma” carried the other. They came to us on the day before Christmas! Their father had died and then their mother died right after they were born, probably from “childbirth fever,” as the Haitians say. We have had them since then. Grandma was poor and all she fed them was “saltwater.” Both of their throats were swollen shut! They were in really bad condition.

David is very intelligent, and when he “works” he can really work hard. His favorite sports are soccer and eating! His third favorite sport is “sleeping!” Davidson is also very intelligent but doesn’t apply himself. Both young men are respectful, and both love sports… And yes, they both love to eat and sleep!

All of the kids at our Love A Child Children’s Home have to rise early, clean their rooms, mop, sweep, clean, make their beds, and “disinfect.” In the past, I had a hard time getting these two out of bed! They would either be sleeping or hiding under the bed, sleeping. As a mom, I told them, “Next time I catch you sleeping when everyone else is working, I will come in and pour some cold ice water on you!” They thought I was kidding! I waited a couple of days and went in early… All of the other kids were up, cleaning, etc. David was sleeping on the bottom bunk and Davidson was sleeping under the bed! I quietly poured cold water on both of them! They got up on time for a while… Then, I remembered I had a “bullhorn,” and I had just the guy to get them up… “Camey!” Every morning at 4:30 a.m., Camey is on the bullhorn telling everyone to get up, pray, clean their rooms, disinfect, etc.

The older kids have to be at school by 7:30 a.m. (junior high and high school) because I am paying the teachers to come through the summer for them. Even though these two boys are “double trouble,” I see a great future for them! They are extremely intelligent and whatever they want to be, they will do it!! They are quite handsome, and actually very sweet and respectful… They just “love to sleep!” Ha! We really love these “Christmas gifts” that came to us from “Grandma Noel!” Sherry

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