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DR Update

DR Update

Jackson and Job successfully made it to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. They crossed the border safely. They met Philemond and the nurses in Bani. The crew then made their way to Santo Domingo and settled in.

The doctor wanted to see them immediately, so we met her at her office at about 8:00 p.m. She did a series of tests, did an examination, and ordered several things for tomorrow. We have to figure out how and why he was having the seizures. Jackson’s blood pressure is also been extremely high. So they are trying to figure out a way to bring that back in balance.

The operation on his leg was put on hold until his health is stabilized to the point that he was able to have surgery. We are just now getting back and getting settled in. He needs to be on dialysis for 12 hours a day now, so we will be having a late morning tomorrow.

Job will have preliminary labs and we’ll see the cardiologist and the anesthesiologist on Monday and Tuesday. He is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday.

As always, thank you for all that you are doing! I feel a blessing to these guys. I will keep you posted with updates when they come.

Jesse Ostrander
LAC Missionary

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