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Dream Big, Widlene!

Widlene… For a long time, Widlene has had a dream of becoming a professional cook. She is in her second year of college now, but even when she was at home, she was always “cooking something up,” and getting us to try her new recipes! She loved to try new things!!

Widlene and her sister, Esther, came to us years ago when her mother came to see us, when we lived in the mountains. Her mother thought she was dying and wanted to leave her two children in our orphanage. When we took her mother to the hospital, we found out she was anemic! We took in the mother and two girls. Later, we built Madamn Jesula (Widlene’s mother), a house in Miracle Village. There is no doubt that both girls will reach their dreams. They both love God and they both love to help the poor.


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