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Dumolia… “Big Dreams”

Dumolia… “Big Dreams”

At about the age of three, Dumolia’s father appeared at our orphanage with his young daughter. Dumolia (Dimelia) had been badly burned a while back when she fell into a pot of boiling hot water. But her scars left her unable to turn her head from side to side and unable to lift her arms. She had been taken to a poor hospital and she never had therapy or grafts, or the care she needed.

We took her in and sent her to the Shriners in Boston. We found a room mother for her and she began a long series of painful skin grafts. After years of going back and forth, we found that her Visa had expired. She was about to have her last surgery when her Visa ran out, so she has been back in Haiti. She wanted to pursue her dream of going to a Medical College, but she doesn’t speak French, just Creole, and English. So we spent time trying to find the right Medical College. We found the University of Technology in Jamaica, and she is waiting on her acceptance.

Until then, she works in our Birthing Center. She does the sonograms, and the other day she did 77 sonograms!!! Wow! We pray that the right “College Door” will open for her. We all love “Di Di” so much!


PS: If she is accepted into this college it is an International Degree. She would be able to work anywhere!

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