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Earthquake Emergency in Les Cayes

Earthquake Emergency in Les Cayes

Sherry and I sent an update on the 7.2 magnitude earthquake around 11:00 this morning. I just checked and I see it did not go out. Our phone lines here have not been good, and many of our e-mails did not go out due to the earthquake. I hope this post goes through.

First of all, we are fine here in Fond Parisien. This area was not touched by the earthquake. The earthquake hit the southern part of Haiti. I heard that one big hospital was demolished, many were killed. Many buildings crashed down to the ground killing people in many areas. Another earthquake came, I believe a 5.7, and another at 4.9. Please pray for the people of Haiti, especially the children.

Les Cayes is a city of 100,000 Haitians in the country’s Southernmost peninsula. The city is built on sand and shale, and was deeply affected by the 7.2 major earthquake at 8:29 this morning August 14, 2021.

We are preparing to send emergency food and emergency supplies to many people in these areas. We must go through Martissant to go to these places. Gangs control several areas including Martissant. Very, very dangerous. We are sending out two people tomorrow on motorcycles to find ways around the dangerous areas and search out many of the devastated areas so we can bring food and emergency supplies. Our hearts are broken…

Please pray and help all you can financially. The people of Haiti especially the children need your prayers… If this is something the Lord is leading you to do, please visit our website to donate: Love A Child
Thank you, Bobby and Sherry Burnette
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