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Easter Egg Fun!

Easter Egg Fun!

Tomorrow, Easter, is a huge holiday here in Haiti! All the churches will be having wonderful services! There will be choirs singing and it will be just a wonderful time of worship!

But for today, the children here at our orphanage will have lots of fun! Each year, we let them color eggs and decorate them. They have a blast!!! I have had to “get on to them in the past, for drinking the colored dye!” I can remember that when I questioned them, they all said “No, mommie, I didn’t taste the egg dye.” Then I would say, “Stick out your tongue!” Gotcha!! Ha!

Today, the older and younger children, all loved “coloring eggs,” and decorating them! Tomorrow, in the afternoon, we will have an “Easter Egg hunt” here at our orphanage. We have invited some of the local children. This is a “great fun-filled day,” and it helps keep their minds off of what is going on “in nearby villages…” the gangs. But for now, we want to create “good memories,” here at our orphanage! It is “one big, huge, happy family!”

Happy Easter, Bobby and Sherry

P.S. Our older college kids would “love” to be here. They have also missed Christmas with us, due to the gangs. But, we believe that “these gang problems” are temporary and that God will move for the poor of Haiti. Thank you for your love and prayers.

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