Be thankful for that glass of water. You only had to go to the spigot (faucet) and turn it on, or sometimes, you can buy a nice clean bottle of water. Children in Haiti walk miles for a bucket of water, when they can find it. Be thankful for the meal you are eating today and all the other meals you eat. Some children are eating “mud cookies,” and others will only find a handful of rice. Be thankful that you slept in a bed last night, or even a camping tent. Most children in Haiti have never slept on a bed, they sleep on straw on mud floors and when it rains, they are covered with mud. Be thankful for your job, or that you can look for one. Children in Haiti are looking through garbage dumps today to find something to sell, so that they can eat. “Lord, you bring tears of thankfulness to my eyes.” Have a great day. Sherry

Enjoy your Thanksgiving: 11-23-17 8:15 AM
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