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Esther… Guess What She Wants to Be?

Esther… She is the “baby sister” of Widlene. Their mother, Madamn Jesula, works for us at our orphanage. Madamn Jesula came to us when we lived up in the mountains of Haiti. This mother came to our gate and was weak and sick… she thought she was dying. She wanted someone to take care of her children “when she died.”

After taking Madamn Jesula to the Hospital, we found out that she was anemic, and practically starving to death. Later, we brought her to our orphanage and raised her girls here. Today, Esther is 17 and in 12th grade. She loves music, praise dances, and loves dressing up! Her dream is to become a veterinarian. We know God has His Hand on Esther!


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