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Fabienne, Finding Her Path in Life

She is one of our sweetest older girls. She is always smiling, and “loves Poppie Bobby.”

Her mother had been working for us years ago, and Fabienne always came to work with her. But, we had to let her mother go. She asked if Fabienne could stay with us and go to school, and we said, “Yes!”

She grew into a sweet, sensitive young lady and when she finished high school, she wanted to be a dental hygienist. Three years ago, she went to college here in Haiti. She had just finished the first three years and wanted to come home with three other Love A Child kids, for Christmas… but, all four of our children and 16 of our employees were kidnapped from our truck!

They spent two weeks in a room, with other women. Each night, they could hear people getting killed and their body parts being eaten in a Voodoo ceremony. They were all released after two weeks, by a miracle. She had one more year to go to complete her dental hygienist course… But, her college closed down because of gangs. She did not have the heart to start over again so she is taking English and then will decide. Whenever she comes “home,” to Love A Child, she is always helping in our clinic, or wherever she is needed. We pray that God will give her “divine direction.”


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