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Feeding Hungry Children


Larak is a small remote village near Petit Rivier de Nippes that was decimated during last year’s earthquake. Love A Child is building houses for several families in Larak. Because of the severe famine in this destitute area, yesterday, Hubert Severin along with the rest of the Love A Child team served hot nutritious meals to over 200 hungry children. Please pray for grace on our crew as they find enough fuel for the trucks to carry the supply, along with everything to make a perfectly healthy meal for many very famished children.

Thank you to our partners and friends for helping make all of this possible. This coming week, Hubert and his team will be distributing sacks of rice, beans, and cooking oil. Pray for all of our workers in South Haiti who are still building the Gabion houses for the earthquake victims. The Lord shall supply by faith!

Love is something you do…

Bobby Burnette

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