This is only one of the many faces of hunger that we see every day. Every village we visit, there are hungry children and parents in need of food. Even after living here for all these years, when I see a hungry child, it still breaks my heart. Sherry and I want to be able to give each hungry child something good to eat. Thanks to partners like Feed My Starving Children and you, we are sharing thousands of meals each day throughout Haiti. Feed My Starving Children donates the food to Love A Child and our wonderful partners sponsor all the costs of transporting the food from the States all the way to the poor villages throughout Haiti. Each dollar makes a huge difference and goes a long way to feed starving children all over Haiti. If you want to make a difference in the life of a poor child, please consider helping us feed more hungry children each day. Visit our website and find out how you can help. Bobby

Feeding the Hungry Children of Haiti: 7-20-16 9:30 AM
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