A Haitian Creole Proverb: “Sak vid pa kanpe.” “An empty sack can’t stand up.” An empty sack is like a hungry child that can’t stand, walk, run or learn. The majority of hungry Haitian children sometimes go for days without eating. Some children scavenge through garbage dumps looking for something to eat, and others might have water with a little salt added. Hungry Haitian children go to sleep with empty stomachs every night. Mothers tell their children to sleep on their stomachs so they will not feel the hunger pains. Feed My Starving Children donates nourishing food to feed these hungry children. Love A Child partners sponsor the costs associated with getting this food from the States all the way to the poor villages and into the tummies of hungry children throughout Haiti. When we all work together, we can change lives one at a time. Please pray about how you can help feed hungry children in Haiti. Tammie Anderson – Love A Child Team Member

Feeding Hungry Haitian children: 11-15-17 9:30 AM
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