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Feeding Letant’s School Children…

Feeding Letant’s School Children…

Looking at these cuties, in their blue and yellow uniforms, it is hard to believe that each day, after school, they run home to their mud hut, pull off their school clothes, and jump in the dirty lake… for a bath. It may also be hard to understand that these children sleep on a mat on the ground and have no electricity. And, it may be hard to know and understand that “this” will be their only meal of the day!

Other days, there is no food… They go down by the lake and catch minnows that are about an inch long to bring home to cook and eat. Sometimes, mothers or fathers will cut and gather sticks to make charcoal to sell… there are no jobs. Every day is a struggle to survive… but, here in school, they know they will have one nice big wholesome meal!!! A meal with vitamins and nutrients in it! Just look at these happy faces!

Feeding children in their schools is the best way of feeding hungry children. They are happy, hopeful and they know they will get food. There is no pushing or shoving… they are in a school atmosphere, and they know food is coming!

We want to thank Feed My Starving Children for this container of food, and we want to thank our partners for sponsoring the food to come all the way from Feed My Starving Children, all the way on to Miami… and from Miami, by boat across the water to Haiti… and then, the hard part comes… getting the food released from
Haitian Customs!!!

It is then brought by container through dangerous gang territory to our Food Distribution Center, where it is logged in, and where it goes out, to hungry children!! God is good! He provides for the poorest of the poor!


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